"Expedition Pozo Azul 2009"

The exploration work was focused on the "2nd Sump", where in May last year the end of the line was left at 4.020m /-41m from 2nd sump base by the german divers Reinhard Buchaly and Markus Schieritz.

This 2009 expedition had three exploration pushes. The first one, on July 17, by cave divers John Volanthen (CDG) and René Houben (DCDG), which added 375m of line to the 2008 german limit and reached a depth of -31m.
The second push was on July 20 by Jason Mallinson (CDG), who also added 625m to the end of the line of Volanthen and Houben and reached a depth of only -6m.
Finally, the third push was carried by cave diver Rick Stanton (CDG) on July 24 and after adding 140m of line to the Jason limt surfaced on a short dry gallery (air filled gallery) named "Tipperary" of 90m length, followed by a new sump, where he left the end of the line at 160m /-8m. So a total of 1.390m of new cave was explored behind the limit of 2008.

The total length of the cave now reaches 6410 m, divided into: 1st Sump: 700m /-21m, 1st air filled gallery ("La Burbuja"): 300m, 2nd Sump: 5.160m / -71m, 2nd air filled gallery ( Tipperary Gallery): 90m, and 3rd Sump: 160m /-8m.

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